So tired at the moment, finishing off my assignment for tomorrow. I dont have time to do it tomorrow as I have work all day, so cramming it all in tonight. I will probably end up leaving it for now and getting back to it at about 6 today lol. Its quater to one now lol. So yeah oh well. Alot has happened this week, too bad it hasnt been my assignment lol, oh well.
On tuesday me and matt went to MOVIE WORLD, omg so much fun hehe coz it was so random that we decided to go. I am so cut though coz i though I got some awsome photos, but the camera I took was dodge, so they all turned out so blurry.. :(:(
. So how I look like a little blurry smudge. Oh well. I got some awsome photos of this statue thing in the Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster (that was so so so so so so so so so much fun . . ha ha and matt got scared lol) umm pretty scary for a little kids ride though. HA HA. We went on every ride which was cool, and we were lucky enough to go on the Lethal Weapon coz it was havi
ng technical difficulties all day. All I could think about everytime I got on a roller coaster (about 4 times in that day) was "OMG FINAL DESTINATION THREE". People who have seen this movie will probably know what I am on about. Hmm yeah :S:S lol. But it was all good, and it ended up to be an awsome day.

Anywho I am getting so so so tired and Im hitting bed right about now. . . i guess I will talk later and be posting my assignment up later on during day (considering that its almosts 1 in the morning of friday lol)
Toodles!! oxox