Thursday, November 30, 2006
1501ART - Tutorial Task Nine
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Distopia - George Orwells 1984
This movie is painful to watch because it shows just how easy people can be controlled and brainwashed by Technology. People are subjected to something called the "Two-Minute-Hate" where everyday for two minutes people are shown negative images and stories on giant telescreens and are brainwashed to scream and yell at the images they see. In Oceania individual expression was forbidden by the Party, having a diary was a crime, which could be punished with death
The story is set in Oceana and Winston is the main character. Winstons life is a sad one. His job is to rewrite documents and alter records and newspaper articles. Winston rewrites how his fellows die, he produces made up news and becomes so frustrating because everybody around him knows it is not real yet they are forced and more of less brainwashed to believe it. It is here at his job where Winston begins to become skeptical of the ruling dictatorship of the party of Big Brother. Winston is and always has been discusted with the oppression of the land, and chooses to go against big brother, and begin a diary filled with his own thoughts of the world. In his apartment, he finds an area where the telescreen cannon see him. There he sits are writes about the world.
1501ART - Tutorial Task Nine Summary
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
1501ART - Tutorial Task Eight
Media House
200 Job Lane Southport
Gold Coast QLD
4218 Australia
Dear, Mr James Peterson
I am writing to apply for a position within your company Media House. I have recently completed a Journalism and Communication degree at Griffith University on the Gold Coast and believe that I have the suitable skills and experiences to be a valuable asset to Media House. During this degree I have completed subjects in:
· New Communication technologies,
· Cyber Studies
· Digital Production
· News and Politics
· Culture
· Media and Society
· Creative Writing.
Please find attached a copy of my resume. Should you need and further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Emily Creswick
In this exercise we are were to add:
- Opening a Document
- Typing
- Bold Font
- Italic Font
- Underline Font
- Bulleting
- Headers
- Footers
- Double Spacing
All of these tasked I had no problem with, because I all of them probably everytime I have used Microsoft word
The advanced exercise asked us to add:
- Track Changes
- Mail merging
- Mail merge toolbar
Now I had no idea what merging fields was before this exercise, but it proved very helpful in the completion. It was pretty simple to use, I didnt really use the intructions but more or less went searching in the word menus to find what the instructions were talking about. The merging wizard allowed me to add data about a person, their name, personal details, address etc, to which I then added into the edited document by Merging. Pretty cool. Though I dont know, I might prefer just typing it using tabs, its just the way I have always done it. But yeah, I am appreciative of being tought how to use this. The funny thing is, my boyfriend just had a job interview for an admin job, and he was asked to complete the same task, yet he knew nothing of this merging in word, and told me that he was totally stumped and was pretty sure he failed the task. Its strange because he is awsome on computers, and the smallest things might stump someone.
1501ART - Tutorial Task Eight Summary
Random Blog

Monday, November 27, 2006
1501ART - Tutorial Task Seven Summary
In the lecture today, the topic was on Video Games and the types of video games studies. These types of video games include Arcade Games, Consoles, Computer Games, MUDs, MMOGs. Arcade Games, Consoles, and Computer Games I have heard of, but not MUDs, and MMOGs. Huh???
There is a serious study of video games much like internet studies. Video games studies can be broken down in the term of Narratology and Ludology. Narratology is the study of Video Games from the perceptive of them being stories or literacy works. This allows video games to be studied more like text (meaning book, cultural products, films, paintings and music) than anything else. Early video games did contain some cinematic elements (such as cut-scenes) but the act of playing the game was usually dramatically different. Video Games are becoming a new form of cultural practice, in the same way people now think about radio, newspapers, television and films.
Ludology is the contrast of Narratology, and is not concerned with the story elements of games but rather the Game Play element. People who have written a video game based on Ludology have basically made the game for decoration only.
When is comes to video games, there is so much more than just the story and the game play. Video Games are getting very technical, somewhat like computers. This can be seen when comparing say Alex the Kid (primitive Sega game in the early 90’s, to say Need for Speed Underground, so much more complex) The origin of the video game came from computers. Video Games encompass all of the following smaller genres.
· Arcade Games
· Computer games
· Console games
· Hand held devices eg PSP. etc
1501ART - Tutorial Task Seven
For the task today, we have been asked to complete an exercise using Microsoft Excel. I found this task very challenging as I think I might have number dislexia, I am honestly seriuos, lol. When I see numbers and tables I think my head will explode lol. So I got as far as I could with the exercise. Excel seems like a really great and convienient program to use (if you know how to use it). I bet its probably a great program to handle the financial side of businesses. I just struggles abit and was totally stumped with the formulas lol. It took me about 15 minutes to realise that the "*" is a sign for multiply. ooops! lol

I did manage to create a table, yet when it was done, looked nothing like the image on the intruction page. So to save myself from embarrassment I chose not to post it.
Random Blog

Anyways, mum is going nuts at the moment because the house is a mess and we have an open house inspection today. We are trying to sell our house because we have just bought a new one, (the new house is 4 houses down the same street lol). Its pretty exciting, the new house is on a beachfront. :):). But yeah, its time like this (when she is histerically grabbing everything out of my bathroom and flinging it down the hallway) that I kind of wish I can move it. I would really love to move out now, if not soon, but I know it would be so hard on my own, like not having as much money, and I guess it would be the little things that I miss. Oh well.
I cant believe christmas is in something like 27 days. :):O:):O:):O OMG!!! i love christmas. I love the christmas lights everywhere and how all the department stores put up decorations. I love bying presents, I love getting presetns. Yet this year feels kind of different (I dont know maybe because I am getting older) but I havnt seen as many chrissie lights up as last year, and I dont even feel in the Christmas mood yet. we'll see.
Ive been looking on other peoples blogs lately. They look really good, and some of what people have been saying sounds great. Its really good to see how people can interpret things the same or different from you, and really puts a whole new perspective on things. I was so surprised the other day when I asked my boyfriends parents and all of their friends (they range from about 40's to 50's) if they knew what webblogging was. I would say about 80 percent knew. I was so shocked. This course has really been eye opening for me, and what Trent was saying yesterday in the lecture is that all the things we are learning right now in the present, will be old information 2 years from now. This is a subject that people can never stop studying. The history of the internet and computers we have learnt in week one will be ancient by the time our children hear about it, and when they learn about the history of the internet, they will probably be learning what we are doing now, webblogging etc. People, Children 10 years from now are going to be so much smarter and learned in this area, and it kind of makes me feel so over shadowed. But I guess thats evolution.
Anyways I think I am going to go now. I keep trying to get a hold of student services at the Nathan Campus but I dont think the office is open yet. So hey, I might end up coming to the coast today
See Ya Laters!!! oxox
1501ART - Tutorial Task Six
Today for the tutorial task we are to complete Part 2 of the Photoshop Task from last week. We will take a number of photos with our mobile phone camera like last week. The first part of this task is to take some basic photos and modify them in Photoshop in some way, to enhance or improve the photographs so that they communicate the particular idea of theme. I dont have photoshop on my computer but I do have Paint Shop Pro 7.
The themes for today's task are:
- Friends
- High-tech
- News
- Summer
- Games
- Successful
- Celebrity
Friends: Me and my boyfriend Matt
This photo was taken on my phone, and was altered by inverting colours on paint shop pro. I am using this photo under friends because me and Matt are best friends as well as boyfriend and girlfriend.

High Tech: Insides of a computer
I cheated this photo and googled it :S. It was hard to find something else hightech. This photo was of the inside of a computer, wires and crazy stuff, but I altered it using a tool c

Successful: Trophies

Celebrity: Nikki and Paris Hilton

Sunday, November 26, 2006
1501ART - Tutorial Task Six Summary
"No wonder our perception of beauty is so distorted"
The lecture went on to the topic of:
- MSN and ICQ - instant messengers
- Portable Audio and Podcasting
- Peer to peer and filesharing
- Voice over IP (VoIP) and Voice Chat
Addiction to Technology
Also in the lecture today the topic of addiction to technology was brought up. The question, what makes the addiction was asked. This question was answered with the fact that humans are so connected with the internet, and it allows them to be connected to easily with other people like them. Technology is so accessable, and many people these days would rather be online than watch TV. People can get news and information much easier online and faster than waiting 6pm for the nightly news. People are able to download T.V shows, instead of watching it.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
1501ART - Tutorial Task Five Summary
During the lecture today we had a guest speaker, Jason Nelson. Jason creates Net Art, and Net Publishing. This was an awsome lecture. Jason was hilarious and involved everyone (whether they liked it or not) into the lecture. He also called me "chick in the white top", and then further insulted me by saying I had no friends, and that I should go back onto "MySpace" so I feel as though I do have friends. lol... ummmm yeah.... anyways ..... here is some of the things he talked about.
I.P Address:
The I.P address is the address of a users P.C. The address is used to represent when a user is on a certain site. Jason showed us today that by simply going to the website and type in a users I.P address, we can find the location of the P.C that has accessed his site. Following up on this Jason claims that we could even find the particular house where the P.C is located.
Peer Gaurdian blocks a users I.P address therefore allowing other users not able to see where this certain user has been on the internet. It allows more privacy and security for a user.
Music Downloading:
Jason had a bit to say about music downloading. He said that to stop people stealing music, industries are soon enough going to set up a package where you can download a limited amount of files instead of pay as you go. Or to stop people downloading music, cd song files will be huge. He also told us about one attemp record companies tried in order to stop people downloading music, and that what to put junk data on the cd. To which a 15 year old boy found a way to outsmart them by drawing over the data with a nikko pen.
Net Art/Net Publishing:
Net Art gives people who probably don’t go to an art gallery a chance to see art online. Like painting, sculptures etc, Net Art creates a language and allows people to interpret this art in their own way. During the lecture Jason stated that “Technology gives those without talent the ability to create artwork.” He says that he is no good at drawing, sketching, painting, molding, running, etc, therefore creating digital artworks and presenting them online allows him to create something he thinks and what other people think is different, interesting and beautiful. I think his artworks are extremely creative and unique. Some are shocking and scaring, yet are captivating. Technology gives these kinds of people the ability to create something interesting and beautiful.
What Jason said he loves to do most is modify things and play around with things. He is inspired by things online - such as an abandoned high school online on ebay. He uses the images in his artworks. He uses photos of these abandoned buildings, and intergrates them into his work. As an artist, this is where he finds his inspiration. Jason said that he has had over 3 million hits on his website this year, and thats all because he website had gone viral. This meant people told people who sent people who told people about his website etc.
The coolest piece of art on Jasons site was the pokie death machine thingo. It spins and randomly tells you how you will die. Sounds pretty scary, but its great for a laugh
Jasons site can be found at
1501ART - Tutorial Task Five
-high tech
-university life
After we have taken these photos, we are to post each photo on our weblog, and then write a short summary for each photo explaining why we believe the picture represents the theme we have chosen. My phone is a Nokia 6230i, with a 1.3 megapixel camera
So here goes . . .
Ok back now. . i took some photos (of shocking quality) and I am bluetoothing them to my laptop using my mobile phone (isnt technology grand)
I kinda cheated with the

High Tech:
I'm going to be honest is saying I didnt really know what to take a photo of when t

What better picture to take fo


I cheated a little on this photo to. I could not find anything around the campus that looked unconventional to me. I was hoping maybe someone had parked in a disable zon

How Unconventional!
University Life:

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
1501ART Tutorial Task 4

ActiveWorld does look like a pretty cool way to communication with other users online. ActiveWorlds have been having a growing demand from educators and has launched The Active Worlds Educational Universe (AWEDU). This has become an educational community that makes the Active Worlds technology available to educational institutions, teachers, students, and individual programs in a focused setting. It can link students up to other students in the university.
The only downside I can see to ActiveWorld is that, the program really creates the feeling that users live online. When people can create their dream life online, and can interact with their online friends doing the same thing, they might not have to drive to create such a life in reality. Their views on what is reality and what is not might become blurred, and they might prefer to live their life in this virtual world. Another downside might also be that ActiveWorld cost money to run, while other Instant Messengers dont.
Msn is the worlds most popular IM network. In a network of millions, msn allows users to

1501 ART Tutorial Task 4 Summary
William Gibson:
William Gibson was an American born Canadian science fiction novelist who brought about the notion of the "cyber punk". In a time where punk music evolved (The Sex Pistols) in rejection to the new forms of "glam rock" (David Bowe), so to did science fiction evolve in rejection to the computing world. Gibson was at the head of this evolution in the late 70's and early 80's. His writings were generally futuristic stories about the influences of cyberspace and virtual reality.
The ability to remember data, such a numbers, speaches, music, through a series of practices.
Jonny Mnemonic:
During the lecture today, we viewed parts of the movie "Jonny Mnemonic" which was a tale based on one of the short stories written by Gibson. Johnny Mnemonic is an antihero who has lost all of his childhood memories in order to become a data courier. He has no recollection of his past because in order for him to be a courier he has undergone surgery to have a data storage system implanted in his head. The system allows him to store digital data too sensitive to risk transmission on computer networks. Jonny becomes at risk by the data that he carries in his head, none of which he has ever seen before. In the movie Jonny trys to find who put the data in his head through delving into virtual reality on the internet. Jonny hacks into the internet and more or less pulls it apart using goggles and remote hands. While made in the 80's this movie has a strong notion of how people saw virtual reality in the 80's a revolutionary idea for the new millenium.
Virtual Reality:
Virtual Reality is interactive sumulation of reality. It is a system that enables one or more users to move and react in a computer-simulated environment. Devices such as masked and gloves that link to a computer can allow users to delve into a parallel world of a digital 3rd dimension. These devices allow users to sense and manipulate virtual objects much as they would real objects. This natural style of interaction gives participants the feeling of being immersed in the simulated world. Mathematical models and computer programs create these digital 3d worlds.
Precursors to Virtual Reality:
- Telegraph
- Telephone
- Phonograph
- Radio
- Cinema
- Television
"Image-making, no matter how manipulative, doesn't replace reality;it becomes part of it."
Sidney Blumenthal The Permanent Campaign
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
1501ART Tutorial Task Three Summary
Some key terms I feel I should know include:
Media is the plural word for Medium. The term medium is used in conjunction with a medium of communication. Raymond Williams states that media can refer to "sense of an intervening or intermediating agency or substance"
Mass Media:
Mass media is a term used to denote, as a class, that section of the media specifically conceived and designed to reach a very large audience. This type of media can be linked with all different kinda of communication devices such as televisions and internet.
Technology is the scientific study of mechanical arts and their application to the world, a medium is the specific cultural use of technology, to communicate information... that is interpreted as meanings thanks to specific cultural and social contexts that we encounter in our daily lives
Broadcast Media:
Media in the forms of newspapers, cinema, radio, and television
1501ART Tutorial Task Three (part 1)
1. What is the weight of the world's biggest pumpkin (include the year of this record, is there a more recent record)?
2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Grant Hackett?

I found the best way to contact Grant Hackett is to log onto Grant Hackett's website which is leave him a post on the above link. Grant also has an email, which he can be contacted on aswell.
This information was found on;_ylt=A0geupCKwmNFS0wBuNpXNyoA?p=About+Grant+Hackett&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&x=wrt
3. What is the length of a giraffe's tongue?

Ontology is the science or the study of the being. It is a theory concerning the kinds of entities and specifically the kinds of abstract entities that are to be admitted to a language system. Ontology has a branch of metaphysics relating to the nature and relations of being. The term Ontology is borrowed from Philosophy where and ontology is a systematic account of existence. I define Ontology as being unique because a person can study Ontology, while they can also being a part of it.
5. W

David Lynch's first film is called "Eraserhead" in 1977. This information was found at
The original Hacker Manifesto was written in 1986 on the 8th of January. It was written by a Lord Blanken Sheperd
7. What is the capital of Bhutan, and what language do the citizens spea

I have found this information from Yahoo. The capital city of Bhutan is called Thimphu and has a population of 60,200. The official national language of Bhutans citizens is Dzongkha, while among the Bhotes, Tibetan dialects are used, and among the Nepalese, Nepalese dialects are used.
9. What song was top of the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1972?
10. What punk band was Stephen Stockwell (head of the school of arts) in?
Stephen Stockwell was in the punk band called "The Black Assasins". This information is from
1501ART Tutorial Task Three (part 2)
1. What is a search engine?
Internet search engines for example Google and AltaVista are designed to help users find web pages on a given subject. The search engines maintain databases of web sites and use programs (often referred to as "spiders" or "robots") which collect information, which is then indexed by the search engine. Similar services are provided by "directories," which maintain ordered lists of websites for example, Yahoo. In order to find a desired page, users are able to type in keywords, or key phrases that narrows down the search.
2. How do search engines rank the stuff they find on the internet?
Search engines rank pages based on page content and formatting, and based on the content of metadata tags. Special attention is paid to bold text or to keywords and summaries in the head of the HTML document. Some search engines can rank sites by how frequently other sites link to the user, and not by what you do or don't say on your site.
3. Who, or what, makes one page (that you might get in your search results) more useful than another one, so that it is put at the top of your search results?
Webpages can be made by anyone who has access to the internet, therefore the validity of what is on each website can be hard to determine. Search engines such as google usually have sponsored links on the right hand side. These sponsered links are paying the search engine for the advertisement of its webpage. These webpages appear to be official websites of specific topics. Most search engines determine which page should go where by using dates. The most current date is at the top if the page. Yet what comes up after a search usually comes down to what the user types in the question box. If the user types a phrase or word in "commas" the search engine will come up with that exact phrase (if it exists) following by the next closest, and the next and so on.
4. What are some of your favourite search engines? why do you like one more than others?
Personally I like using google, because most times I can find the information that I need quickly and effieciently. I can use the filter at a strong level to block out anything thing that is inappropriate. I also use yahoo and altavista on the times that I find Google cannot help me. I have always used Google as my main source engine and never really thought of using another. Yet today we have been asked to go beyond google and explore with other search engines such as....
5. Can you find some current news stories about search engines? (for example, Google has been in the technology news a bit lately).
Monday, November 20, 2006
1501ART Tutorial Task Two
The only time I communicate with people who I have not met in person would be when I am using social forums. While these people live in the same area as me I have not met them in person, yet through the certain social forum I participate in, I feel comfortable chatting with these people because they are friends of friends I have in the forum. These people are not different to friends who I know in person, and the conversations I have with them just as I do with friends.
I have had the same email since I was in grade 7, so that it almost 7 years ago. I dont use my personal email much because as time has passed and more people have gained access to the internet, instant messenging has become a more convienient way to communicate rather than emailing. I use my uni email log in only to check uni related emails. Most of my communication is done through instant messaging and texting.
In terms of socialising, I only use communication technologies that link me with people that I already know. Many people joining social forums or chat rooms are after meeting and making new friends, yet I prefer using these forms of communucation as a way of contacting already friends and family. Although I have been in internet chat rooms before I have never felt comfortable talking to strangers from a different city or even different country.
In conclusion, I believe all communication technologies allow people to have a more convienient life style.
1501ART - Tutorial Task One Summary
In a fast paced world, so many people have access to the internet in their own homes, or failing that, a mobile phone or paging device. The internet has become as useful as a means of communication. Instant messaging has always been popular, including such programs as AOL and msn instant messenger. More so, blogging has become popular. Short for Web logging, "blogging" is where a person or group of people form a personal website where entries can be made in a journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order. Bloggers are in control of their blogs, therefore they are able to post about any topics they desire. Usually a personal blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic.
Blogging can become an unreliable source of information, due to the fact that anyone connected to the internet can create a blog and add data for someone else to read. Political Blogs can be common sources for unreliable and bias data and information, usually containing personal opinions of whoever wrote the blog entries. Questions to ask before relying on blog information should include, who wrote the blog?, who runs and pays for the site?, what is the sites and blogs purpose and where does the information come from? etc. These questions will help determine weather a blog can be relied on for an accurate source of information and data.
In conclusion, it is clear that web logging is becoming ever popular, and allows people to expand on their own physical boundaries of communication, all with a simple click of a mouse.
1501ART - Tutorial Task One
My name is Emily Creswick. I am an 18 year old student studying at Griffith Univeristy at the Nathan Campus in Brisbane. I live on the southside of Brisbane on the waterfront at Raby Bay. My interests include, reading, drawing, clubbing, playing netball (running, when I can be bothered lol) and chilling out. I spend most of my free time with my boyfriend Matt, he is amazing and I love him to bits. I spend alot of other free time with my best girlfriends, Michelle and Shannon, they are awsome girls and we always have so much fun. On the weekends I can usually be found at the Port Office on a Friday night and the Regatta on a Sunday night, chilling out with mates and enjoying a few drinks. I love rnb music, because it's great to dance to. I am also a fan of My Chemical Romance, Coheed and Cambria and Anberlin. I love clothing and fashion, and work as a sales assistant at Laura Ashley at Carindale, which is a ladies fashion and homewears store. I have two older sisters, Jayne who is 24, and Sarah who is 21, and a little brother James who is 14. To sum things up, I am an easy going person, and love being spontanious. I love going out and having an awsome time, and chilling out with mates.
Emily :):):)
1501ART - Tutorial Task Two Summary
Where did the computer come from?
The first ideals of the computer were derived from Charles Babbage, a graduate of Trinity College at Cambridge. Babbage was the inventor of the difference engine, which was a machine designed to calculate and print mathematical tables. Babbage became interested in evolving his machine into the analytical machine, and with the help of Lady Ada Byron, this was possible. Both Babbage and Byron were well educated in Mathematics and Science.
To bring his ideals to life, Babbage wrote an articale called "Sketch of the Analytical Engine" to which Byron annoted in her own translation. She expanded on this idea by concieving a machine which would be able to compose and play music, produce graphics and become a part of everyday use. In conjucntion to this, Ada Byron also concieved the first computer program.
The idea of computers really took off with the serious developmental work by Englishman Alan Turing. He wrote a crucial paper clarifying the computing of numbers and the possibility of machine ti compute them. After the revolutionary ideas of Turing, computers became useful during the second world war, where they were used for breaking German enigma codes.
As time went on a company called Xeroc developed the concept of the mouse, the graphical user interface, and the pull down menu, all during the 70's. These revolutionary ideas allowed personal computers of today possible and approachable by the general user. In 1975, the first P.C (Personal Computer) was released. It was large and bulky, yet still exciting in the computing world. While this was occuring, a young man by the name of Bill Gates was working with a program called Altair, and started writing the program BASIC. Thus forming his own company in his garage which is now the empire company known as Microsoft.
During the time Microsoft was in production, two men names Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were creating their own empire Apple. In an environment were several computing nerds would get together and share ideas, (Bill Gates being one of them) Jobs and Wozniak spanned off to produced the program Apple 1. This was a primitve machine with a single cuircut board, no case and no keyboard. Apple 1 was released in 1978 at the West Coast Computer Fair, 2 years after Gate's Altair. Apple grew enormously within the next two years, investing in a program called Visicale (much like word and excel) for 100 dollars.
In the 1980's, a company called IBM decided to get into the computer market. IBM was a very large slow moving company, nothing like Apple. IBM had suffiecient knowledge of hardware, but it was their lack of software that let them down. This is where Bill Gates stepped in. In conjunction with Bill Gates and Microsoft, IBM took off, and beat Apple to the released the first user friendly P.C. using WINDOWS. By the time WINDOWS 3 evolved, Apple was going under. Microsoft gained power and still remains more powerful than Apple.