Anyways, mum is going nuts at the moment because the house is a mess and we have an open house inspection today. We are trying to sell our house because we have just bought a new one, (the new house is 4 houses down the same street lol). Its pretty exciting, the new house is on a beachfront. :):). But yeah, its time like this (when she is histerically grabbing everything out of my bathroom and flinging it down the hallway) that I kind of wish I can move it. I would really love to move out now, if not soon, but I know it would be so hard on my own, like not having as much money, and I guess it would be the little things that I miss. Oh well.
I cant believe christmas is in something like 27 days. :):O:):O:):O OMG!!! i love christmas. I love the christmas lights everywhere and how all the department stores put up decorations. I love bying presents, I love getting presetns. Yet this year feels kind of different (I dont know maybe because I am getting older) but I havnt seen as many chrissie lights up as last year, and I dont even feel in the Christmas mood yet. we'll see.
Ive been looking on other peoples blogs lately. They look really good, and some of what people have been saying sounds great. Its really good to see how people can interpret things the same or different from you, and really puts a whole new perspective on things. I was so surprised the other day when I asked my boyfriends parents and all of their friends (they range from about 40's to 50's) if they knew what webblogging was. I would say about 80 percent knew. I was so shocked. This course has really been eye opening for me, and what Trent was saying yesterday in the lecture is that all the things we are learning right now in the present, will be old information 2 years from now. This is a subject that people can never stop studying. The history of the internet and computers we have learnt in week one will be ancient by the time our children hear about it, and when they learn about the history of the internet, they will probably be learning what we are doing now, webblogging etc. People, Children 10 years from now are going to be so much smarter and learned in this area, and it kind of makes me feel so over shadowed. But I guess thats evolution.
Anyways I think I am going to go now. I keep trying to get a hold of student services at the Nathan Campus but I dont think the office is open yet. So hey, I might end up coming to the coast today
See Ya Laters!!! oxox
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