Camera Phones!!
Our exercise for today will be to take a number of photos with our mobile phone camera... To bad my camera phone sucks !!!! I brought my digi camera to take photos, but thats not the idea of the task hey. So according the the intructions left by Adam, we will completing part 1 of this task today and will be completing part 2 next week. The first part is to take some basic photos that are not modified in Photoshop at all which represent or communicate the following ideas:
-high tech
-university life
After we have taken these photos, we are to post each photo on our weblog, and then write a short summary for each photo explaining why we believe the picture represents the theme we have chosen. My phone is a Nokia 6230i, with a 1.3 megapixel camera
So here goes . . .
Ok back now. . i took some photos (of shocking quality) and I am bluetoothing them to my laptop using my mobile phone (isnt technology grand)
Friends:I kinda cheated with the

pic, because it was already on my phone hehe. This is a photo of me and my bestest most awsome girlfriend Shannon. We are on otur way to the races. I really could have chosen any photo on my camera of me and shannon (there are heaps) because I feel every photo shows just how close friends we are. We always make each other laugh and smile, and love love love photos together lol.
High Tech:I'm going to be honest is saying I didnt really know what to take a photo of when t

he word high tech comes to mind. I figured everyone would be taking photos of a computer, so I decided to take a photo of one of the photo copyers in the library. A high tech piece of machinery that everyone seems to take for granted. Its kind of sad to say that I have great trouble some time using of of these things, and to me, they are more high tech than a computer
News:What better picture to take fo

r news is a newboard. So much information can be posted up on a uni noticeboard. Information about current headline, roomates wanted, job applications, and most importantly PARTIES!!!. News can be posted up by anyone of the news boards, I guess you could say they are kind of like a blog, yet no so personal.

I took 2 photos of these summer flowers because I thought they were pretty!!. I also liked to include the big umbrellas, because umbrellas always remind me of the beach and summer. I really like the photos because they are bright and luminous (despite my uber shit phone lol), and the surrounding look hot like summer.
Unconventional:I cheated a little on this photo to. I could not find anything around the campus that looked unconventional to me. I was hoping maybe someone had parked in a disable zon

e, litter on the ground etc, but nothing. So, I found a caution when wet sign (I actually spotted it this morning, and yesterday aswell. Infact I dont think it has moved for the past week lol) sitting outside the male and female bathrooms. I thought to myself, how unconvientional would it be if someone really needed to go to the bathroom, yet was blocked by this rude yellow sign not letting them past. Therefore I placed the sign in the entrance the the female bathrooms and took a photos. Here is the result lol.
How Unconventional!
University Life:
University is very expensive to attend, and not all people can afford to come to uni. To pay for tuition fees, people have to miss out on the luxury of life sometimes, and that might be, owning their own car. I took this photo because it shows that some university students dont have cars, and find other means of transport to get to uni, ie BIKE. The bikes are right outs the learning centre which suggest that the students are in there learning.
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