I use MSN messenger probably everyday of my life. Sad, I know, but msn is a quick a easy way to communicate with others. It is cheap and instant, and depending who is online when I am, msn can be fun to use. I have never been in a 3D chat environment before so I guess I can really tell you the qualitative differences between it and regular msn messenger. Therefore I am going to do some prior research on 3D chat environments (mainly ActiveWorlds).
Before this tutorial, I wasn't aware that there are such things as 3D online chat environments. From the sounds of it, ActiveWorld looks pretty cool. Users can create their own personal worlds or even virtual reality game. I guess chatting in this environment would be pleasent and on a more personal level then a regular IM messenger. In ActiveWorlds, users can create their own worlds to chat in, quickly and easily, meaning that users dont have to be computer nerds to use and enjoy the program. ActiveWorlds really gives the sence that their is a whole nother virtual world online, where people can meet and greet, interact and play online games, and even invite people into their own personal worlds to chat. ActiveWorlds allows users to create their own personal identity, being able to choose from a vast range of avatar identities. Users can make new friends and chat with people all over the globe, explore over 1000 unique virtual worlds, interact and participate in 2D and 3D games online, build their own virtual home on the internet, and even shop online in ActiveWorlds own 3D virtual reality mall and chat with store clerks. Pretty Amazing.
ActiveWorld does look like a pretty cool way to communication with other users online. ActiveWorlds have been having a growing demand from educators and has launched The Active Worlds Educational Universe (AWEDU). This has become an educational community that makes the Active Worlds technology available to educational institutions, teachers, students, and individual programs in a focused setting. It can link students up to other students in the university.
The only downside I can see to ActiveWorld is that, the program really creates the feeling that users live online. When people can create their dream life online, and can interact with their online friends doing the same thing, they might not have to drive to create such a life in reality. Their views on what is reality and what is not might become blurred, and they might prefer to live their life in this virtual world. Another downside might also be that ActiveWorld cost money to run, while other Instant Messengers dont.
MSN INSTANT MESSENGER:Msn is the worlds most popular IM network. In a network of millions, msn allows users to

share files online, send files and photos, and has the same option of being able to personalise your own account. MSN allows users to express themselves through custom emoticons, display pictures and backgrounds, and even download a theme pack. MSN also has this cool function where users can create their own little characters called Meegos, and add them to their convo box. The little meegos move and allow communication on a more virtual level. They make the user feel like they are talking to a character rather than a computer. With msn, users can engage in interactive voice conversation, and webcam aswell. Both can be used at the same time if desired. Users can personalise their own font, and even interactive phrases and words with animated font. MSN has the option where users can choose to contact other users on their list by a mobile device aswell, weather it be a text message or a pager. MSN gives users their own address book, and the ability

to view other users personal profiles, spaces and blogs. Users can personalise their own spaces whenever they wish, adding photos, blogs etc.
MSN can be used on the computer while the user is doing seriuos work, while I think that ActiveWorlds somewhat takes over the computer. ActiveWorlds is a much more interactive way to communicate on a very virtual level. I see ActiveWorlds as more of a game or passtime, while MSN (while being fun) is a quick cheap and convienient way to contact friends and family. Users are still encouraged to communicate with other users on a personal level, but not as personal as ActiveWorlds.
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