Thursday, November 30, 2006

1501ART - Tutorial Task Nine

For the tutorial task today we have been asked to complete an excercise on microsoft powerpoint. Once we have completed this we are then to write a little bit in our weblog about our experience in completing that task. if we found it easy, or hard. Now I have been using powerpoint since the 4th grade, and frankly I consider myself a whiz at this program. It is so easy and simple to use, and it is fun to make the powerpoint presentations. I love to fiddle with the setting and find the different types of entrances and exist each image or textbox can do. Powerpoint is great because everything can be times perfectly to come up on the screen. I have used it multiple times in highschool for orals, and it proves to be a great way to get rid of some nearves I used to have, because all of the other students were watching the powerpoint over me. I didnt encouter any problems while finishing this task, and actually had fun customising my own presentation

Here are my slides in order. . . I hope you like them :) . . . sorry they are abit blurry

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